I Am From

I am from colorful clothes,

From cinnamon and garlic.

I am from the land of mud that smells like home, the land that is cultured.

The home which sounds like families, the sounds of kids that make me feel better.

I am from the banyan tree and from jasmine.

I’m from Ramzan and Eid,

From grandparents and my parents.

I am from love and care, from Help.

I am from You are late to school and

Get up and Twinkle twinkle little star, how I wonder what you are.

I am from Hyderabad, from Islam and India,

From butter chicken and biryani.

From my 20 small cousins who all live in one home,

Who shout and play and help people. They make everyone in my home smile. Especially the person who is sad.

I’m from the copper, silver, and gold ring that makes your skin pure. It sits on my grandmother’s fingers.

I am from these moments, from colourful clothes, Ramzan, cinnamon, garlic;

land of mud which smells like home.

From the 826CHI Student Publication : I Remember...Our Whole Life in a Secret Place

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