From All This To Me

I am from a roomy old house
From churches towering high
with large, vibrant windows
I have two sisters and a brother
born years after me

I am from the seaside of California
I am from dark night road trips
I am from tree houses, play houses,
campouts, stakeouts, and more
Letting our imagination run
faster than the flowing water

I am from the chemical smell of chlorine
mingling with a bit of Taco Bell
I am from ziplines, doughboys, s’mores
From fireworks up in the sky
Sparkling, sizzling, flying by

I am from snakes and mares,
dogs and cats and hares
I am from sand, water, and dust,
palm trees, trampolines, and rust

I am from the smell of smoke and
cinnamon and monkey bread
From the smell of cookies, breads, and pies
I am from Christmas, scrapbooking, and memories
Little tidbits in my mind

I am from notebooks, pencils, and baking

But most of all,
I am from a small room, in a large city,
in an even larger world.

From the 826CHI Student Publication: Eat Your Words

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