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Writer of the Month

February's Writer

February's Writer

Writer of the Month

Writer of the Month

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What’s your favorite book and who is your favorite author?
¿Cuál es tu libro favorito y quién es tu autor favorito?

“Crossing the Wire” by Will Hobbs

Do you have any special hobbies or talents?
¿Tienes pasatiempos especiales o talentos?

I love ice skating.

What is your favorite thing about writing?
¿Cuál es tu cosa favorita a cerca de la escritura?

I like that I get to use my imagination.

What’s your favorite memory of 826CHI?
¿Cuál es tu recuerdo favorito de 826 CHI?

I really enjoyed when we had to write poems.

What is your favorite piece that you've written at 826CHI?
¿Cuál es tu pieza favorita que has escrito en 826CHI?
My favorite piece is my poem about how thankful I am. It’s called “Thankful”.

Do you have writing advice for other students?
¿Tienes consejos de escritura para los otros alumnos?
Always write from your heart and mind.

What do you want to do when you’re an adult?
¿Que quieres hacer cuando seas grande?

I want to be a hockey player.

What’s something else you want the world to know about you?
¿Que es otra cosa quieres que el mundo sepa de ti?
I want the world to know that I am very smart but I only use my smarts when I want to or need to.

If you could go anywhere tomorrow, where would you go?
¿Si podrías a cualquier parte del mundo mañana, donde irias?

I would go to Florida because it’s really beautiful over there.

Our work together

Our 826 Day event on the roof of Ace Hotel Chicago was a beautiful celebration of our community from our donors to our students and everyone in between (pictured above is 826CHI supporter TASHA’s performance). Our book P.S. You Sound Like Someone I Can Trust  was available in the hotel’s suites, Ace Hotel Chicago has hosted our annual love-themed print show featuring work by local artists inspired by our students writing on love, and their Senior Sales Manager, Tenasha Wilcoxon, spoke to our students in After-School Tutoring & Writing’s Speakers & Snacks series about what it’s like to work at a hotel.

Our Work Together

The partnership between East Village Youth Program and 826CHI is a yearly collaboration to help students achieve their goal of being accepted into their college of choice and for many to be the first in their family to attend college. This fall, 826CHI staff and 12 volunteers worked with 13 high school seniors on their personal statements for college applications. The partnership continues in the Spring when 826CHI and volunteers will return to EVYP to support students as they apply for scholarships.  

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